October Planning Board Meeting

The regular monthly meeting of the Planning Board will be held Wednesday, October 25, 2023 at 7PM in the Town meeting room. A public hearing will be held for the following application:

“PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Fremont Planning Board, in accordance with the provisions of the Zoning Law of the Town of Fremont, will hold a public hearing beginning at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 25, 2023, in the Town Meeting Room, 11 County Road 95, in Fremont, NY, in regards to Major Subdivision application on Lands of North Branch Crest, LLC, S.B.L. #31.-1-2.1, located on Reichman Rd, Town of Fremont, Sullivan County. For information or to submit comments, contact: planningboard@fremontny.org

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